Become a Preferred Supplier

Get Connected - Interested in marketing directly to British Columbia’s camping, RVing and lodging sectors?

Become a Preferred Supplier

The BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association offers the perfect opportunity for suppliers of goods and services to connect with over 350 potential clients businesses offering lodging, camping, RVing and glamping.

Our accommodation members are constantly reminded to choose a Preferred Supplier first when shopping for goods and services. Suppliers apply for associate or corporate membership in the association and request the Association’s endorsement to provide our members with preferred pricing on their products or services.

A number of suppliers approach the Association with proposals to be the only endorsed provider of a product and/or service and these offers are approved or not by the board of directors based on their merit. These suppliers create a relationship with value that meets or exceeds the Partner Package.

Preferred Supplier Packages

There are three supplier advertising/promotion membership packages to choose from. Suppliers, as associate members in good standing, also have access to the financial benefits negotiated by the Association:

Associate Package – First year $525 +GST then $365 +GST and receive: An introduction e-mail to the member properties, a listing in the online Buyers Guide, a listing or product overview in the Monthly Supplier Update, the opportunity to introduce new products/services in the Product Spotlights section of the Monthly Supplier Update and more.

Corporate Package – Annual $900 +GST and includes Associate package benefits plus insert articles in one or more issues of the Supplier Update and have a flyer or catalogue posted in the Partner Bulletin member only area and registration of a table top display at the annual Ideas Forum.

Partner Package – Minimum annual membership fee $1,700 +GST and negotiated commissions. Package includes Associate and Corporate package benefits plus sponsorship advertising opportunities in the Dogwood Express and sponsorship of the Ideas Forum that includes a table top display, plus the ability to negotiate other services/benefits as required. Endorsement of products and services as part of the affinity programs that provide commission to the association the more members purchase.