BCLCA's Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Each year members gather for a meeting of the general membership of the organization. Attending members are informed of previous and future activities. It is also an opportunity for the members to receive an update on the organization’s financial status and vote on any resolutions that have been proposed.

The 82nd BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 4, 2025 time to be announced.  It is part of the BCLCA Lodging and Camping Ideas Forum.

Only members in good standing (dues have been paid) can attend and vote at the BCLCA Annual General Meeting.

During our Annual General Meeting Members will be asked to formally vote on a few things, including:

  • Motion to approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  • Motion to approve the accountants s report for the previous fiscal year.
  • Motion to approve the upcoming years budget presented by the Treasurer.
  • Elect board members who serve for a two-year term.
  • Motion to allow the board to appoint auditors for the following fiscal year.


Resolutions may also be posed to the membership by the board to address issues of concerns that have arisen.

Formal resolutions from members can be proposed to the board in advance of the Annual General Meeting and if approved by the board, be voted on at the Annual General Meeting.